There is no such thing called ubuntu, fedora software - Only linux softwares
There no such thing called linux or windows softwares - Only softwares
There is no such thing called softwares - Only source code
There is no such thing called source code - Only specifications and protocols
There is no such thing called programming language - Only syntax and semantics
There is no such thing called compilers - Only translators
There is no such called linux, minix, windows, mac - Only resource managers
There is no such thing called processor - Only instruction set
In the era of open source, there is no such thing at all. You want to develop a software for Operating system X, there is already similar -opens source- software is available for Operating system Y. You just have to compile it on operating system X. If it does not compile, you may need to tweak it a little bit. If it still does not compile, write it from scratch.You want port a device driver from linux to other OSes, read the code and write it according to how the concerned OS handles drivers.
There is no real code, Only Knowledge and requirements. everything else imaginary.