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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

My Study on Naming Conventions

     When I started reading programming books, I did not have computer to test my skills. For almost 5 years, I learned only the theory. No practice at all. They were mostly Windows related stuff, and most of followed CamelCase naming method. When I bought my own computer, I started testing my programming skills. Mostly in C.

    Then after few months I started using Ubuntu a linux distribution. I came to know the power of open source. I have heard about Open Source and Richard Stallman long before. Yet, I did not realize his work and the revolution brought by GNU foundation. The linux community mostly used Underscoring method to name variables.

    I always care about name of variables. Infact, the stuff I read how to program weighs a lot less, when compared to stuff like, designing software, naming conventions, debugging techniques, coding style. I still did not read books, Code Complete and Clean Code. But my experience, taught me something.

    Now I use the combination of them. 

      e.g:  Event_newEvent_with(...)

    Before deciding to use this method. I was religious to use underscoring to name variable, inspired by GNU, and CamelCasing even before, inspired by Microsoft.

    Which method do you prefer?